How to Think Like No One Else

It's quite simple really...

How to Think Like No One Else:

Recently I listened to a podcast between The Cultural Tutor and David Perrel.

A great point was brought up.

If you want to think like everyone else, consume the same content they’re consuming.

The opposite is true too.

If you want to think differently, consume content no one else is consuming.

This way, you’re not engaging in the same mental processes and conversations everyone else is having, thus your perspective is unique, thus, you’re golden.

So naturally, I followed this advice.

A new Rule for me - read more books that are older than 50 years.

Now - I’ve kinda already broken that rule(the Creative Act by Rick Rubin is just TOO Good)

But I’ve actually been reading Primitive Mythology, The Masks of God by Joseph Campbell(published 1959) and The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius(published ~500 AD) - and honestly, it’s great.

Yes, these books are tougher to read due to their prose and structure, but my mind has never been sharper.

100% well worth it - give it a shot.

📺 What I’m Watching - For All Mankind on Apple TV

Imagine if the space race didn’t end between the US and USSR.

This is the core of this show.

it’s fucking spectacular.

do yourself a favor, check it out, pirate it if you must, it’s WORTH

📕 What I’m Reading - Balaji’s Substack

Diving into the world of business, tech, politics, society, etc.

really cool independent thinker.

yummy intellect

🎤 What I’m Listening to - Robin Hanson on Upstream with Erik Torenberg

Turpentine Media is a gift to humanity.

It is “the Place Where Experts Talk”

And that’s true as FUCK.

I showed you guys an episode from Media Empires last week - this week it’s all about economist Robin Hanson, his theories on Elites vs Experts, Truths you don’t want to hear, and mental models for the world.

seriously amazing stuff.


💡 A Quote to Ponder -

“A resume is just a series of sacrifices you’ve made” - Naval

THANK you for reading, you’re the best, and I love you oh so dearly.

Find me on Twitter, Threads, and Instagram(all @armaan.ajoomal). Share this with a friend if you found something cool, and I’ll see you in a few weeks!

Stay curious :)

oh btw ur really cute can i get ur number?? xD lol