reflections of this week

and ideas for you

nothing beats hard fucking work.

recently I’ve been reminding myself, “there are no shortcuts for you, armaan.”

a lot of us have big dreams, ambitions, and aspirations. but we look at the mountain ahead and say “how the fuck are we gonna climb this?”

well, there’s only one way to the top.

climbing bit by bit, rock by rock, ledge by ledge upwards. there is no substitute for hard work. put in the hours. reap the rewards.


“It is not the man who has too little who is poor, but the one who hankers after more” - Seneca the Younger, page 34 Letters of a Stoic

“If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company.” - Jean-Paul Sartre

“the practice of spirituality is a way of looking at a world where you’re not alone” - Rick Rubin

2 questions

who is showing up for you in your life, but you’re not showing up for them?

what signals is your body telling you?

1 musing

savoring life like a sponge.

my friends make fun of me. because whenever im eating an apple, or drinking a smoothie, or diving into my breakfast, i look like im having an orgasm.

well, not really. but im really enjoying it. it’s a full sensory experience, with each speck of food going through the gauntlet of Armaan’s full-blown attention.

I feel the apple skin tearing beneath my skin.

I let the juice dribble down my chin, plopping onto the hardwood floors beneath.

I close my eyes, feel the food on my tongue and cheek, and truly experience each and every nuanced flavor.

and there’s so much joy. so much joy in this full experience of food.

most of us are going by in life without recognizing the true extent of the beautiful experience we’re having. every day we’re exposed to the magic of bluetooth, or the absurdity of Grubhub, or the beauty of incredible food.

bask in the magic.

savor it.

soak it up like a sponge.


Music: Safiatou by Herbie Hancock

Check out this video: Marathon by Bungie

My Podcast, Figuring it Out - Ancient Wisdom for a Modern Life - new ep

THANK you for reading, you’re the best, and I love you oh so dearly.

Find me on Twitter, Threads, and Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more(all @armaan.ajoomal). Share this with a friend if you found something cool, and I’ll see you in a bit

ps: make someone laugh today