Monday Musings - Beginnings Will Suck

Beginnings Will Suck and That's Okay



Oftentimes we hear the raging, nearly instantaneous successes of athletes, entrepreneurs, scientists, and societally deemed “successful” individuals.

Tiger Woods picked up a golf club at 2 and became the World Champ at 21 years old.

Influencers like Charli D’amelio amass gigantic followings seemingly overnight, opening themselves up to sponsorships, paid trips, and even TV shows.

Justin Bieber basically sprung out of the ground and became a worldwide name at just 15 years old in 2009.

It seems like successful people just have some sort of innate talent or knack for overnight success, and that if you’ve got pure talent, you’ll become a craze within seconds.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Today I want to talk about the fact that the beginning of anything will suck. Whether it’s starting a business, becoming an author, getting into fitness, or basically anything, the beginning is sure to suck. And that’s okay. In fact, the beginning should suck.

When I first began editing videos, they were dogshit. When I first began making taking photos of other people, they were dogshit. When I first started playing guitar, I sounded like dogshit. When I first started writing consistently, the writing was/is(lol) dogshit. But we need to wade through all the dogshit and mud to get to the other side in which our work will be better.

That mindset of getting through the suck, of not caring about the fact that the beginning of any habit will inevitably be difficult and awful, that is the mindset that allow you to not beat yourself up immediately for poor work. That will be the mindset that makes you unafraid to fail. That is the mindset that will lead to your success.

It’s quite ironic, right? That in order to succeed, you’ve got to fail along the way.

Don’t just take it from me, look at successful entrepreneurs and public figures around the world.

Steve Jobs nearly drove Apple into the ground as it nearly filed for bankruptcy in the late 90s. It’s now the world’s most valuable company.

Charles Darwin went to medical school, dropped out, attempted being a clergyman, then tried his hand at botany, and then at the age of 50 published his findings on evolution and natural selection.

James Dyson went through 5126 prototypes before finding the perfect one that would create the empire we know today.

Richard Branson’s first business, Student Magazine, got into legal trouble before running out of cash, then pivoted to Virgin Music, and attempted his hand at Virgin Airlines. The first test flight of the airline ended in disaster as birds flew into the engine and blew it up. Branson’s not-so-successful sister companies of Virgin Cola, Virgin Cars, And Virgin Digital didn’t end up becoming too famous either. And that brings us to the next point.

Rarely anyone will remember you for your failures.

Unless you’re Billy McFarland and failed at Fyre Festival, then everyone will remember you.

But that’s besides the point. I doubt anyone’s first thought of Richard Branson is his failed companies, or Steve Jobs nearly driving Apple into the ground, or James Dyson’s 5126 failed prototypes. They remember the persistence and endurance of these entrepreneurs, not their failures.

So if you’re afraid to publish your first podcast or begin posting on social media in fear of mockery and having your shitty art be forever cemented in internet history, then don’t fret, no one’s gonna see it, and furthermore, no one’s going to remember it. And if you’re really afraid still, then just be persistent, endure the shit, and grow your work. If you do so, then you don’t have to worry about shitty work!

To conclude, the beginning of any business, habit, or journey will suck and be difficult. And that’s okay. It should suck, you’re a beginner, and that’s completely okay. But just like the hundreds of entrepreneurs known for their grand successes, as long as you endure the shit, you’ll reach the heights you aim to attain.

If you want to learn how to ride a bike, you’ve got to be willing to skin your knees a couple of tiems.

Thank you so much for reading and I love you <3.


Even though I’ve been working out for over 3 years and am very much into bodybuilding(7 more weeks to go!), I still learned something from this podcast. Fitness Stuff for Normal People is an evidenced based podcast debunking fitness myths and providing quality, accurate, scientifically-backed knowledge on various health and wellness topics. They’ve talked about probiotics, artificial sweeteners, fat loss, building muscle, and many other topics. I highly recommend this podcast for anyone interested in their wellbeing. It’s digestible and fascinating enough for anyone with or without a science-background. Enjoy.

This song is weird, but really cool. Kinda like me :) Check it out and enjoy, it’s a great summery-drive-windows-down-hair-blowing-in-your-face song. <3

📺 What I’ve been Watching -  The Sopranos

This show is a classic for a reason. Seriously one of the best TV shows I’ve watched in a while. I’m not sure what it is about Mob media that intrigues me. Maybe it’s the intersection of Italian accents, hookers, drugs, guns, and 2000s tracksuits, but this show scratches every itch, I can’t recommend it enough.

Thank you guys for reading, I love you. Stay curious. <3

Thanks for Reading!

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