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u dont wanna miss this...
this year, my family isn’t really doing gifts.
my brother is going anti-capitalist mode on us and said “let’s not do gifts we don’t need more things”.
he’s right.
i didn’t listen to him.
i got him gifts. he doesn’t know. lol
3 quotes, 2 questions, 1 story/rant related to philosophy to help u live a happier, more peaceful life :) oh and 1 small action guidance too
“thinking is learning all over again how to see, directing one’s consciousness, making of ever image a privileged place” - camus, myth of sisyphus
“patience is often stubbornness in disguise” - morgan housel
“Anger is a hot coal you hold in your hand while waiting to throw it at somebody” - a Buddhist saying
2 Questions
“what would your 15 year old self be proud of for you today? - armaan
“what pisses u off? how is this a reflection of inner work you might need to do?” - also armaan
1 rant
the death of hope gives birth to the freedom of man.
hope is outcourcing your future to a cosmic deity.
praying for the Sky Daddy above to save your ships.
it’s the ultimate slavery.
the chains which shackle you to the confines of suffering.
when you hope, you give up freedom.
to hope is relinquish your fate to something else out there
and when you future fails to meet your hopes, you cry and scream and curse the world.
so give it up.
give up hope.
take life if your own hands.
follow the path you carve with your own 10 fingers.
lead the life you choose to live.
the death of hope leads to the empowerment of man.
he transcends blind faith and becomes the arbiter of his own life
he refuses to outsource his future to some cosmic deity,
be chooses to secure it with his own hands.
action guidance
be the person who picks up the check. get others to venmo you or whatever it is, but be that person. the guy/gal who picks up the check without making a big scene is always appreciated.
Thanks for tuning into Philosophy Fountain :)
i love u
THANK you for reading, you’re the best, and I love you oh so dearly.
Find me on Twitter, Threads, and Instagram(all @armaan.ajoomal). Share this with a friend if you found something cool, and I’ll see you in a bit
ps: make someone laugh today
pps: cool shit i found
Maestro on Netflix, a biopic about Leonard Bernstein. fucking amazing movie. please watch it. 2 hours of incredible beauty.