embracing evolution

silly words for silly people

adding in chaos

humans evolved via natural selection, or the random mutation of genes to create different organisms with varying adaptability.

basically, humans evolved through split testing. Simple, A/B testing, but instead of it being about ad copy and data, the human genome is tested.

the principle remains the same. humans evolved via bits of disorder.

adding in a bit of chaos, disorder, and randomness into your normally habitual day makes you more resilient. On saturday I did BJJ. I also went out a lot this weekend. Lots of partying. Quite abnormal.

it was good.


“We crave experience that will make us be present, but the cravings themselves take us from the present moment” - Naval

“No matter what tools you use to create, the true instrument is you. And through you, the universe that surrounds us all comes into focus” - Rick Rubin

“If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company.” - Jean-Paul Sartre

2 questions

what do you admire in your best friend?

how could you be more like that?

1 musing

shut up, lizard brain.

i kinda know who you are.

if you’re subbed to this newsletter, you’re one of my friends, trying to accomplish some big feat, contribute to the world, and change it.

you’re also probably trying to make a lot of money while doing that.


and i also bet you’re driven by your lizard brain. the part of your mind that never shuts off saying “i need to work harder. i need to do more. i NEED TO GO FASTERRRRR”

but that lizard brain shuts off your creative brain.

the brain that cannot be rushed.

the brain that cannot be forced into activity.

the brain that requires a bit of grace.

and that part of our brain, that’s where our value is. not in the angsty teen lizard brain that listens to shitty music and eats cheetos all day.

but in the calm, quiet, collected Creative Brain who’s here to get shit done.

the lizard brain helped us when we were younger.

when we had less work ethic and experience and were probably much, much lazier.

but now, if the lizard brain is in control, our creative brain suffers.

let’s not do that to our creative brain.

let’s take care of it. :)

thank you. love u.

bye :)


I’m trying to grow this newsletter y’all, so more people can receive the insights and ideas to spark some reflection.

So if you want to increase the size of the pie and make this world a slightly more philosophical place, share this with a friend, family member, or someone who’d enjoy.

THANK you for reading, you’re the best, and I love you oh so dearly.

Find me on Twitter, Threads, and Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more(all @armaan.ajoomal). Share this with a friend if you found something cool, and I’ll see you in a bit

ps: make someone laugh today