- figuring it out.
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- despair, inc.
despair, inc.
thanks for joining me
gems of the week
running down a dream - a talk by bill gurley
armaan’s thoughts
to be mad at the world/god/the Universe is the most pitiful sin man can committ
i fall hard for women. rather, the fantasy of a woman.
on the inside, i think im a really big softie who’s just afraid to cry. so on the outside, i create a shell.
1 reflection
when your conscious mind is a bitch,
don’t be a bitch back.
that whole “fight-fire-with-fire” thing works sometimes. like when you’re fighting fires. but not when you’re dealing with the mind.
at least in my experience, that’s the case.
if you talk to someone who’s going through a tough emotional time, you might listen to them rant. you might recommend they journal. maybe they should see a therapist. or maybe they can take a few minutes to meditate.
all these responses you gave them are under the umbrella-concept of slowing down.
when someone is emotionally fraught, they should slow down and digest the emotions.
i know this. i know this for a fact. yet when it comes to my own emotional states and how to deal with them, i’m so close, so touched by the visceral emotions and outpourings of feelings and such, that i can’t even take a step back.
i’m so in the throng of the storm, that I don’t realize a lifeboat is below my feet.
i’ve been stressed about a few things.
a potential more-than-friend friendship of sorts.
graduating soon and having to get a job.
feeling like a shitty son.
watching money dry up quicker than a woman’s vagina when you ask her about stocks.
and that’s just to name a few.
and despite all my years of self-therapy and psychedelics, it seems like i fall into the trap that we all do; when i feel shitty, i run faster, i ignore, i try to “brute force” my way through my emotions.
and god it gets so fucking tiring.
so fucking exhausting.
so fucking excruciatingly exhausting.
on a podcast with Tim Ferriss, Jerry Seinfeld was asked; “If you could boil down the human condition to one word, what would it be?”
Jerry responded with “confront”.
I think he’s onto something.
love you.
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