Dealing with Self Doubt

I fucking hate Imposter Syndrome

My mantra this week:

Prove you are who you say you are with Action.

I fucking hate Imposter Syndrome.

The feeling that you’re not enough.

The feeling that you don’t deserve the life you have.

The feeling that no matter what - you are inadequate.

But I have a way of dealing with it.

This is something I’ve learned from Alex Hormozi.

The best way to deal with feelings of self-doubt and fraudulence is showing the actions that prove you are who you say you are.

Feel like you’re not progressing in fitness?

Look at your body 6 months ago. Look at your lifts 6 months ago. Look at your diet 6 months ago.

Feel like you’re a shitty writer?

Look at the fact you spend 30 minutes a day writing. Look at how you research. Look at your speech.

The best way to disprove self-doubt is action.

Not affirmations.

Not bullshit “rituals”.

But by doing.

📺 What I’m Watching - Why Revolutions Fail

As ya’ll know - I LOVE Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Dystopian literature.

A common theme among these texts is Revolution.

We’ve seen many revolutions in real life.

And in fiction.

And here’s a video explaining why most fail.

watch it <3

📕 What I’m Reading - Joseph Campbell’s Primitive Mythology

Found this at a bookstore for a few bucks.


A deep dive into the intersection of human culture, mythology, psychology, spirituality, and finding meaning in our lives.

weird - but good <3

🎤 What I’m Listening to - Ben Gilbert on the Craft of Podcast + more, Media Empires by Turpentine

Turpentine Media is a gift to humanity.

It is “the Place Where Experts Talk”

And that’s true as FUCK.

Ben Gilbert of the Acquired podcast dives deep into what makes creators unique, how to get successful in the online media world, and more.


💡 A Quote to Ponder -

“Talent is the ability to let ideas manifest themselves through you” - Rick Rubin

THANK you for reading, you’re the best, and I love you oh so dearly.

Find me on Twitter, Threads, and Instagram(all @armaan.ajoomal). Share this with a friend if you found something cool, and I’ll see you in a few weeks!

Stay curious :)