- figuring it out.
- Posts
- why you should have 0 expectations for others
why you should have 0 expectations for others
thinking about food rn...
if you want something done, do it yourself.
i ask very little of other people.
it’s not because i think im better or that others are incapable of doing tasks.
it’s that if i want something done, i want it done properly. and that level of trust can only be secured by yourself.
if your house is a mess because your roommates don’t take care of it, clean it up once. be the bigger person. be a damn virtuous individual. then tell them so.
“hey guys, let’s keep the place a little cleaner. i cleant it up today, but going forward, let’s all work together to keep it as neat as possible.”
always aim to be the adult in the room. be the responsible person. this is the way.
3 quotes, 2 questions, 1 story related to philosophy to help u live a happier, more peaceful life :)
“If you’re going through hell, keep going” - Winston Churchill
”the last step to becoming superhuman is accepting all the parts that aren’t” - Peter Crone
“optimism is a moral duty” - Edwin Land, inventor of Polaroid
2 Questions
“what are the traits, attributes, or actions you take for granted about yourself but others highly value and respect?” - armaan
“which of your current views would change if your incentives were different?” - Morgan Housel, Same as Ever
1 Story
a few days ago, i went to a party. it was a jewish party. everyone was jewish.
i am not jewish.
yeah, it was interesting. i was the only one that didn’t look like everyone else. the only one without a last name ending in “man” or “berg”. the only one without the lingering scent of potato latkas on their breath.
i went with my roommate, jack. jack is jewish. but he’s not that jewish. these people at the party, they were that jewish.
and honestly, i was excited. excited to learn about how much it means to them. how much religion, spirituality, faith, and community are an integral part of their lives. so i talked to a vast range of them. i lowkey felt like i was being converted to Judaism.
it was fun.
and i heard a LOT of things i disagree with. mainly some fundamental beliefs about fearing God and sin some of that stuff. but i did something special.
the more i heard something i disagreed with, the further i delved into it.
the less reactionary i was.
the less judgemental i became.
the more interested i grew.
think about how many people have a fundamental belief or love of something(in this case, it was Judaism), yet everyone judges them as soon as they start speaking about it.
all of these people were so excited to talk about their faith! and i just listened. intently, closely, and with true curiosity.
i saw a different type of life. a different way of thinking. and it was spectacular.
so i ask you dear reader; listen. listen when someone says something you’re not 100% on board with. and rather than closing yourself off like a turtle hides in its shell, open yourself up.
thank you
memento mori
stay curious :)
Thanks for tuning into Philosophy Fountain :)
i love u
THANK you for reading, you’re the best, and I love you oh so dearly.
Find me on Twitter, Threads, and Instagram(all @armaan.ajoomal). Share this with a friend if you found something cool, and I’ll see you in a bit
pps: editing my first YT video in a while. get pumped.
ppps: cool art.
Tailor for Ladies by Remedios Varo